Thursday, July 28, 2011

Everything matters to your dog!

Be aware of what you are saying to your dog WHENEVER you interact with him............................

Everything we do with or to our dog effects how our dog approaches the walk or the vet or feeding time. You might wonder how in the world can the way I feed my dog or interact with him inside the house during the week effect the way my walk goes on a Saturday afternoon?? Well here are some examples:

1) I am teaching my dog to walk on a leash and I can't use treats to lure her into position because she doesn't get excited about food. (A dog fed right before walk time is not a good candidate for using treat lures to keep him beside you while you are walking him. Walk him when he's hungry)

2) I can't get my dog to sit and wait for me to put the food into the food bowl. (You let your dog get on the couch whenever he wants and he gets off only if he feels like it when you ask him too. Why should he respect you at mealtime or while on a walk?)

3) I love to give my dog treats, it makes me feel good. (This is a good way to reward your dog for doing nothing or even worse, for bad behavior! Why should he work for it if he can get it for free anytime he wants just by begging or even by misbehaving?)

These are just a few examples of how one part of our life with a dog effects another part. Think of your dog as an intellegent instinctual being that puts the whole puzzle together. You will understand a dog better if you realize that not much in a dog's life is an accident in nature. Most things in a dog's life with us are not isolated incidents. Remember to think of how your actions in one area of your life together is going to effect how he perceives you later when you try to take him to the vet's office or the groomer or just for a stroll around the block. It all starts with you!

Happy dog training!

Power Paws Dog Rehabilitation and Training Contact us or 321-302-4142

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